Friday, March 23, 2012

Out & About in Beijing

Novotel Peace Hotel 

We had a great day exploring some of the best attractions in Beijing .  After a delicious breakfast at our hotel, we set out on a 30 minute walk with our guide, Peter, to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.  We spent close to four hours taking in these historic places.

Elli created a buzz while we were out.  She was quite an attraction with her blonde hair and blue eyes.  While touring the Forbidden City, she was approached by dozens of people requesting to have their photograph taken with her.  We initially agreed to a couple of photos, but it was too overwhelming to continue!      

Later in the day, we took a public bus and then a taxi to the Summer Palace.  We spent a couple of hours touring the palace grounds, which included a hike up Longevity Hill to the Gold Mountain Palace.

After returning to the hotel, we went to a small, local restaurant not far from the hotel.  Although we both thought it was delicious, Elli thought otherwise, and dined on white rice only.

After supper we took a taxi to the Silk Market, which is basically a bunch of indoor vendors.  It reminded us a lot of Mexico.

Tomorrow we are off to the Great Wall.   Another day closer to Kamea!

Standing in Tiananmen Square with the Forbidden City in the background.

Tiananmen Square

The blonde celebrity posing for the paparazzi.

Inside the Forbidden City.

Summer Palace

Summer Palace

The beginning of Longevity Hill at Summer Palace.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! If you keep up this pace, you guys are going to fall asleep when you meet Kamea! Love the blog & the pics!
